Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photo Shoot!

My friend Carolina Lindsay of Fancy Flutter Photography was kind enough to do this photography session for us and I'm thrilled at how they turned out!  She's trying to build her photography business and does great work, so if you're looking for a photographer, you should check her out here (plus she's a beautiful amazing person and I would just recommend her all around.  I actually met her in Guatemala and was very surprised to see her sitting in my relief society one day.)

I was trying to get pictures done as soon as possible before Camryn got any less newborn-looking, so we ended up doing it the morning of our moving day.  Not recommended.  But I'm so glad we squeezed them into our busy schedule when we did because she is growing so fast!  Some of you probably already saw a lot of these on Facebook, but there's a few here she didn't post.  They were done at the Provo City Library.  These are a lot of our favorites :)


  1. SO darling!! Such a beautiful little family!!

  2. Your cute baby is making me want one of my own! So adorable!


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