Thursday, March 1, 2012

So Proud

Baby girl slept through he night! I am so excited out of my mind. 11-5:30 :) Nevermind that I woke up at 4 anyway just because my body was used to having to. Or that after feeding her at 5:30 I couldn't go back to sleep because I was so excited (and because I had Camryn on my left hiccuping and Tanner on my right snoring) and so technically I lot less sleep than normal but who cares! My little girl slept through the night! The pride welling up inside of me at 5:30 this morning was out of this world. Wait til she does something truly extraordinary like say her first word, tie her own shoes, or enter the 1st grade. I'll be bursting! For now, I've been lavishing her with praise all morning. Hopefully the positive reinforcement will encourage her to repeat this behavior!

1 comment:

  1. In response to your question on my blog ... when I was student teaching they were getting rid of a bunch of stuff. The solar system was among them. I hung it up because we lack a nursery and I was worried James did not have enough visual stimuli around, rather silly, but he does like staring at them occasionally.

    In response to this blog post: LUCKY! ;) I hope last night proved your praise effective!


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