Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Irrational Fears

Baby monitors freak. me. out. Don't tell me it's a weird thing to be afraid of--this is genuine. I think it goes back to my baby-sitting days when I heard too many of those scary stories/movies where the babysitter starts getting creepy phone calls and there is a serial killer in the kids room, or the parents come home to find them all chopped to pieces in the living room. As if there isn't already something a little unsettling about being alone at night, the monitor has to make that sound . . . the low buzz with the lights that flicker at any slight change in decibel readings. It makes me feel like I'm in the part of a scary movie when the scary music starts and the whole audience knows that something bad is about to happen and any second i'm going start hearing something else through the monitor like heavy footsteps, slow raspy breathing, or a voice. yikes.

Right now I don't have much need to use our monitors since she still sleeps in a bassinet right by my bed, but soon she will graduate to an actual crib in a different room and . . . I really don't think I can sleep at night with that low creepy buzz of impending doom. What's a mom to do?


  1. DANA! so glad I found your blog... and I have the exact same fear! Ever since I saw Incidious and the lady heard an evil spirit in the baby's room through the monitor....

    its no weird, and if it is we can be weird together! You are such a cute mommy, Camryn is the cutest ever!! Can't wait for our babies to be friends. Miss you!

    1. haha I'm so glad you're with me on this one. And I totally forgot about that on Incidious but now that you mention it I'm sure that's part of the root of my fear!


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