Tuesday, September 18, 2012

That Curl

For a while, Camryn had this really awesome thing going.  She had exactly one teeny tiny beyond adorable curl on the top of her head.  Like a cartoon baby or something.  Her profile was pretty much to die for.  One day I realized it was growing out, and for fear that it might soon be gone, I got a little snap happy trying to get a perfect picture of her in profile with that one little irresistible curl poking up.  I ended up getting a lot of cute pictures of her that day, a couple of that curl (try holding a camera and telling a 7th month old not to look at you for the picture).  I'm probably biased or something but I think my baby is the cutest in all the land.  Alas, the curl is now gone, but thank goodness for modern technology so it can live on forever in photo form. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Heck. I'm dyyyiiiinnng!!! Let me have her for a day, please?!


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