Thursday, November 15, 2012

some odds and ends

I am really really loving bookbinding.  I've been slowly collecting supplies (why am I so attracted to the most expensive of hobbies?) and have finally started producing completed notebooks and they are beeeautiful if I do say so myself.  Or maybe it's just my notebook loving self that thinks so.  Who doesn't love new fresh notebooks though?  And the decorative papers, oh the beautiful papers--I went to Reules in Salt Lake (an art supply store) this week to buy paper and I could have spent a million dollars.  For those of you who are still foreign to the whole bookbinding thing, I'll probably go snap happy/picture posting crazy once my new camera charger arrives (I finally gave up on finding the lost one) and you can see what I've been talking about.  I'll be taking another class at the end of the month if I can round up $30.  We're running a little poor these days. . .

The other day my husband came home to cookies and upon seeing them, he exclaimed "and you didn't even burn the second batch!"  If that tells you anything about my cookie baking skills.  They're awesome I tell you.

Camryn pooped in the tub agaaaaain.  oh gosh, again.  And I lifted her out and set her on a towel while I cleaned it up, and when I turned around to get her, she'd laid another big fat one on the towel.  Why?  Why???

Today I gave her graham crackers and she's working on the self-feeding thing.  It's really quite adorable how she sticks her entire fist in her mouth in order to eat the little piece of graham cracker lodged in the middle of the fist.  Really adorable in a graham cracker slime covering every inch of her skin kind of way.  The whole session started out like the cookie monster and descended into a reenactment of the scene in Matilda where Miss Trunchbull makes Bruce (Bruce, right?) eat that entire ginormous chocolate cake.

Am I the only mother out there who washes their hands so many times a day that they are dry, cracked, and near bleeding no matter how much lotion I use?  Between feeding myself, feeding Camryn, using the bathroom, changing Camryn's diaper, washing the dishes, washing the tub (waaaaay too often) etc. I swear I wash them 50 times a day.  Solutions anyone?

oh, also, I am going to start an etsy shop to sell my books online since I really want to continue bookbinding but don't really have a way to fund the hobby/classes/materials unless I sell them.  And I hate naming things so I need some help--if you were opening a shop full of hand-bound one of a kind notebooks what would you call it??  suggestions, pretty please.

And now i'm off to reading The Lacuna.  I just started it and I think it's going to be a good one.


  1. "Bound by Dana" ... or "bound by dana" since lowercase seems to be all the rage?

  2. Yes, it's Bruce. "You can do it, Brucey!" "Go Bruce!!!"


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