Friday, October 12, 2012

Losing Keys

Hi.  My name is Dana and I lose EVERYTHING.  (and I just had one of those weird moments with the word lose where if you say it and read it over and over, it just looks and sounds completely wrong--loose, lose, luse, luz.  ah.  weird.)  I lose everything.  As in I use the sentence "where's _____?" waaaaay too often.  And if we're going to be honest it's usually more like "WHERE THE FREAK IS MY *$@!_____?!???!!" because nothing makes me more upset and frustrated than when I can't find something (especially if it's time sensitive, and times 1 million if it's a binky).  You'd think after 23 1/2 years of life I would have figured out how to avoid this problem, but "the keys go on the key hook" is still a really hard concept for us over here.

Sometimes I spend forever looking for my keys, find them, and then by the time I put on my shoes and jacket and grab my phone, I have to spend another forever looking for my keys again because I've already lost them.

Purses/bags/backpacks with lots of pockets give me anxiety.

Sometimes alongside my "to do" list, I make a "to find" list of all the things I'm missing and just dedicate half my day to looking for them.  If you're at all interested, right now at the top of my list are my camera charger and Camryn's social security card.  

Hasn't someone invented something by now to help people like me?  Like some gps tracking device you can attach to things you loose often?  Or, you know, just some way to surgically attach them to myself.

I'm committing to change.  Last weekend I had a particularly bad time of things and lost my phone about eight hundred times (along with my mind) and as Tanner was yet again helping me look for it he said "dana, I don't know if I can do this for the next  80 years."  I don't blame him.  I'm sure adding more kids to the equation won't really help things either?  I'm going to do better people.  I'm going to put the keys on the key hook.  I'm going to de-clutter my apartment.  I'm going to put my cell phone in the same pocket of the diaper bag every single time.  (the binky problem, however, has no solution because Camryn just thinks leashes are a really fun game of "lets yank this out of my mouth over and over.")

In other news, we had our first poop in the tub this week.  I'm sure you'd all just love a play-by-play, but I'll spare you the details.

We also attended a Staples family wedding where I attempted for the billionth time to learn the names of all of Tanner's aunts, uncles and cousins (his dad has 10 siblings) which is like running in circles-- and just to give you an example there are two Debbie's and a Denice.   Not confusing at all.  I need flashcards or something.  I accidentally congratulated the wrong couple on the marriage of their son which was pretty embarrassing   But in my defense, the woman was wearing the exact same shade of purple as the table napkins which would indicate (would it not?) that she was part of the wedding party.  Awkward.

I also attended Pilates, Kickboxing, Zumba, and Yoga class all in one week.  That's right, I am awesome.  And if the stars align for me, a bike ride is in my 24 hour forecast.

That's all.  Have a good weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA! Dana. I'm so sorry. Unfortunately, I cannot relate, because it is Tanner that I empathize with. One time Jake and I shared a set of keys for like 2 weeks, because he couldn't find his for the billionth time, and finally, when I couldn't take it any longer and had given up all hope that they would be found, I caved and went and got copies of all the keys and he started fresh. But oh... don't worry... he found them a day later in a pocket of his backpack he NEVER uses. I just have to ask... why use the never-used pocket? Why?


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