Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day!! I love this holiday. There is something about love, flowers, chocolate (all valentines candy, really, I love holiday specific candy) and red and pink everything that just makes me excessively happy. (And not just because I have an awesome husband who cooked me a lovely candlelit filet mignon dinner) Also, I love making and giving Valentines cards. I don't really know why but again--something about the hearts and the colors and the love-giving just gets me. When did this day become only about couples? Yes, Tanner is my #1 most important valentine. He gets the biggest card, the most candy, and the only kisses. But remember elementary school when everyone made a special Valentines box and brought a valentine for every single member of the class? I have a fantasy where real life is that way and everyone walks around passing out Valentines to everyone they know and love--not just their spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend. So that's kind of what I do. Sorry if you didn't get one--it doesn't mean I don't love you!

1 comment:

  1. We loved our cards!! Thank you so much! Nothing beats a beautiful homeade card from a new mama :) Thanks Again!!


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