Monday, February 13, 2012

long sleepless night

I forgot to knock on wood after my last post. A huge oversight on my part. Today Camryn was not an easy baby. She woke up at 1 a.m. , 3 a.m., 6 a.m. . . . it was a very long night. Sleeping with a newborn baby right next to you is kind of like trying to sleep on a plane. You are desperately, miserably tired and want sleep more than you've ever wanted anything, and you keep deluding yourself into thinking you can get it--but every time you try, you fail. That's how last night was. And then today was pretty much more of the same. We'll be optimistic about tonight.
I don't want to be one of those parents who post endless streams of cute pictures of their children. But . . . a certain sister of mine in Texas who has not yet seen my baby has demanded more photos. And until I find an easier way of getting them to her--here they are! And let's be honest--she is exceptionally cute.

The nurses in the NICU told me that when I give her a bath, I should keep her swaddled in her blanket and put her straight in the bath. That seemed really weird to me but the first bath--I didn't do it and she screamed bloody murder the whole time. After that, I tried it and she loved her bath. The swaddle blanket keeps her nice and warm!


  1. 3 week growth spurt? We are going through the week 6 growth spurt ... not good times in terms of sleeping. You can do it! Plus it is super gratifying when they weigh them at the doctor and they've gained a ridiculous amount of weight.

  2. CUTE CUTE CUTE!!! I die every time I see her! And you, my dear, are a BEAUTIFUL mother!! Oh how I wish I lived nearer to you! I want to snuggle with this little cutie again!! P.s... thanks for the Valentine. It made my day. I love you!

  3. she is TOO cute and you look great too! Does that tub eventually go in the bath or is it only for the sink? That's like one thing left on my list of wants. Hopefully my labor is as breezy as yours sounds, I don't want any of this two day laboring stuff.

    1. thanks! this tub just goes in the sink--i'm borrowing it from a friend. I'm thinking they outgrow it pretty fast. i have another bigger one for later

  4. I hear your pain :) Ruby was up last night at 2, 4, and 5:30. The night before was 1,2,3,4:30,6. But, with all the lack of sleep, I see that cute little face smiling look at me like I was someone special. You are such a great mommy!! I am so glad Camryn likes her little owl blanket :) Can't wait to see you guys again!

    1. for about 2 seconds that made me feel better--like ok, I'm not the only one, there are others in this with me. And then I thought oh no! Ruby is 4 months old. My sources told me she'd be sleeping 6-8 hours through the night by then! If that is not the case I am going to just be a total zombie for a while i think.


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